Graduate school of engineering

RESEARCHAREASand Intelligent Systems conducts research to achieve, on computers, human intelligence, such as recognition, understanding, reasoning and learning, with the aim of creating a human-friendly, safe, and comfortable information-oriented society.The dramatic progress of information processing technology, such as intelligent information processing systems, intelligent systems and information communication network systems, is bringing innovative changes to the social structure and our lifestyles. The objective of the department is to train engineers and researchers with basic knowledge of information processing technology for hardware development and ability to apply such technology as well as with broad humanity and ethics in order to develop technology to use information in a sophisticated way and realize an abundant society in the future.The department offers programs designed to help students acquire specialized knowledge of intelligent information engineering, such as software systems, image engineering, intelligent media processing, evolutionary computation, computational intelligence, machine learning, neuroscience, human information system, system engineering, digital systems, knowledge management, information security, information systems, information communication systems, communication networks, digital communication, and mobile communication; as well as mathematical knowledge, such as discrete mathematics, mathematical analysis, mathematical statistics, experimental design methods, and numerical analysis, with the aim of training highly creative and independent engineers and researchers who can, on their own, identify issues that need to be addressed.Software Systems, Information Networking, Intelligent Signal Processing, Parallel and Distributed Processing, Social Information Research, Human Information Systems, Computational Intelligence Research, Intelligent Algorithms, Medical and Nursing Information System, Management Information System, Symbiotic Computing▲Discussion in a network experiment▲Automatic music composition system with interactive evolutionary computation▲Wearable support system for pharmacists using recognition technology14


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