Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation with Southern University of Science and Technology (China)
LastUpDate: May 22, 2018
On May14, 2018 Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation was concluded between Osaka Prefecture University and Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) for promote cooperation in academics and research.
President Dr. Hiroshi TSUJI, Dr. Yan XU (Graduate school of Engineering) and OPU staffs visited SUSTech Shenzhen Campus to attend the signing ceremony.
Presently Prof. Hisao ISHIBUCHI (Graduate school of Engineering) is invited by SUSTech to teach and have a relationship between SUSTech and OPU.
Attendees at signing ceremony
President Dr. Hiroshi TSUJI (OPU) and Vice president,Chair Prof. TANG Tao (SUSTech)
International Office
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