Osaka Prefecture University

College of Sustainable System Sciences

Combining the knowledge of information, environment, and management sciences to educate future leaders of a sustainable society

College of Sustainable System Sciences Learning Fields

The creation of a sustainable society is a modern challenge not only in terms of resources and energy but also with regard to people. The College of Sustainable System Sciences offers three schools to help tackle this challenge: School of Knowledge and Information Systems to help create tomorrow’s information networks, School of Environmental System Sciences to help create an environment where people and nature can coexist, and School of Management to help discover innovative solutions for society. Students can study a combination of different fields including information science, information system engineering, environmental science, contemporary philosophy, psychology, management studies, economics, and manufacturing system science while focusing on their respective areas of expertise. In this way, students can broaden their understanding of the interconnectedness of different fields and strengthen their ability to approach problems from various angles by learning how to apply their knowledge in real situations. This is what we call“systemic thinking,”which we believe is critical in solving issues that we face today.

School of Knowledge and Information Systems

School of Knowledge and Information Systems

Students learn about information system technology, such as computers and the Internet, while acquiring specialized knowledge in a broad range of fields including environmental science, social science, economics/management, health/medical care, and education. The school also provides students with the ability to create revolutionary information systems by combining information systems with social structures and taking a scientific approach to services.

School of Environmental System Sciences

School of Environmental System Sciences

The school explores the latest environmental issues such as global warming and social topics on poverty, religious conflict, and human environment, which includes themes such as withdrawal from society. Students acquire the ability to take on the diverse challenges that we face today and to find the solutions through a multifaceted approach that combines the aspects of nature, society, and human beings.

School of Management

School of Management

The School of Management develops an integrated education that crosses disciplinary boundaries, providing students with comprehensive knowledge on management, economics, accounting, law, and production system science. Students acquire practical competence and creativity to respond to major changes occurring in modern society, such as a decreasing birth rate, an aging population, economic globalization, and decentralization of power.