Graduate school of engineering

RESEARCHAREASFurthermore, Quantum and radiation engineering is widely applied in the medical field; X-ray examinations, cancer treatment and sterilization, and in the industrial field; nondestructive tests, ultra-microfabrication, semiconductor technology and high-molecular polymerization, and also in the agricultural field; breeding of crops and useful microorganisms for fermentation.Accordingly, the total economic scale of these fields has become huge, now reaching several trillions of yen.Charged particle beams generated in an accelerator, synchrotron radiation and neutron as secondary beams, and quantum beams such as various kinds of discharge plasmas, are frequently used as indispensable tools in cutting-edge science and technology fields today. Quantum and radiation engineering is also essential in the energy field to ensure the safer operation of fission nuclear reactors, and also to develop nuclear fusion reactors, the ultimate energy source in the future. In these fields, developing advanced materials is required for severe irradiation environment. The Department of Quantum and Radiation Engineering offers advanced education research utilizing the cobalt-60 irradiation field that is the largest scale facility among universities in Japan. In addition, several accelerators, large-scale radiation-related facilities, and one of the highest level clean-room in Japan are available for education and research. The objectives of the department are to elucidate the elementary process of the interactions between quantum radiations and substances, to provide practical training and conduct research using related facilities, and to develop specialists who play an important role in today’s quantum science and radiation technology. The department aims to help students develop profound expertise and outstanding abilities necessary for sophisticated use of radiations and quantum beams. To achieve this aim, high expertise such as safe operation and maintenance/management of radiation-handling facilities is required. Our supervision and instruction would enable them to become highly qualified engineers or researchers and to play a leadership role in radiation-related industries and at safety-regulatory government agencies. They would contribute themselves to society, based on humanity and a high sense of ethics, which are essential to ensure the safe of the society and build its safety culture.Non-destructive Testing, Accelerator Beam Technology, Teraheltz Coherent Radiation, Plasma Science and Engineering, Radiation Biology, Radiation Damage to DNA Semiconductor photonic devices, Magnetic Materials▲Cobalt-60 radiation source with Cherenkov radiation in water▲A clean room is a laboratory with minimal dust, used for microfabrication, etc.▲Measurement of the number of living, radiation-damaged microorganisms using agar medium22


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