Osaka Prefecture University


Clinical Rehabilitation course

Clinical Rehabilitation course

This area of research combines elements of all the physical and occupational therapy disciplines related to clinical treatment and focuses on the structure and functions of the human body, as well as on the level of activity as pertaining to the rehabilitation of those with physical or mental disabilities. The goal of this course is to overcome traditional rehabilitation methodologies and propel the science of rehabilitation to beyond its current boundaries. We aim to achieve the above by leveraging the knowledge amassed throughout the whole spectrum of academic activity—from the basics to the forefront of clinical practice—to conduct in-depth research using methods from multiple disciplines.

The Functioning, Disability, and Health Course

The Functioning, Disability, and Health Course

This area of research adds to the traditional rehabilitation measures that concentrate on the means to maintain and improve health by actively focusing on removing and reducing societal barriers to rehabilitation, improving people’s functional ability in their daily life, and providing the impetus for their participation in the community. Research in this field involves gaining an understanding of the concepts of disability and health as well as of the environments—physical and societal—in which people live, and extrapolating that knowledge into a new science for the comprehensive support of rehabilitative activities.

The Nutrition Support Course

The Nutrition Support Course

Nutrition wields a significant influence on the success or otherwise of a patient’s rehabilitation. In particular, elderly and disabled people struggle to reap the full benefits of rehabilitation if they do not receive proper nourishment. The Nutrition Support Course delves into the study of nutrition, focusing on food science, human nutrition, and clinical nutrition theory, as well as on oral health. In doing so, we aim to coordinate nutrition—encompassing all its aspects, from the ingestion of food and the use of energy within the body right through to the research of nutrition management—with rehabilitation for maximum efficacy. Furthermore, we have forayed into the basic research of nutrition-related issues, including biophylactic theory and biological sample analysis theory, so as to give further breadth to our research activities.